Lacombe sobre Greta Thunberg

No dia 08 de maio, a Brasil Paralelo dará um passo importante em seu trabalho de resgate cultural. Cadastre-se para saber mais:
Lacombe relembra o ocorrido que se tornou viral após, em um programa ao vivo, responder que não comprava o discurso da ativista ambiental Grete Thunberg.
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Somos uma empresa de entretenimento e educação fundada em 2016. Produzimos documentários, filmes, séries, trilogias, cursos, podcasts e muito mais. Nosso foco é o conteúdo informativo e educativo relacionado ao contexto social, político e econômico brasileiro.
Brasil Paralelo


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45 comentários em “Lacombe sobre Greta Thunberg”

  1. Eu também do sei ser franca direta na cara. Só corrigindo houve uma época em que trabalhei em presídio e até lá eu fala na lata. Deus não nos deu um espírito de medo. Pra morrer basta da vivo. Lacombe bonito por dentro e por fora.

  2. Dr. Simon goddeck

    As I delved deeper into @GretaThunberg's tale, things started to smell a bit off. The lineup of COINCIDENCES is astounding! Her debut was a sit-in protest outside Swedish Parliament on August 20, 2018. Four days later, by sheer COINCIDENCE, a book she'd written with her mom hits the shelves.

    But the plot thickens – a PR blitz, orchestrated by Ingmar Rentzhog, and his company @WeDontHaveTime, was already in motion on that pivotal August 20th. Rentzhog, another COINCIDENCE, chairs the think tank "Global Challenge" (@ChallengesFnd), funded by billionaire Kristine Persson, a Swedish Social Democratic Workers' Party member and ex-minister under Stefan Löfven.

    The COINCIDENCES don't stop there. Rentzhog just happened to be passing by the Parliament on that very August 20, spotted Greta in her protest, and snapped a photo. Even more curious, Rentzhog and Greta's mother had crossed paths at a climate conference on May 4, 2018, which, yes, you guessed it, COINCIDENTALLY is the same day Rentzhog stepped in as CEO of the mentioned think tank.

    And here's something interesting – both Persson and Löfven are card-carrying members of Klaus Schwab's @WEF. Quite the spider's web of COINCIDENTIAL connections, don't you think?

    The icing on the cake – Thunberg, a self-proclaimed environmentalist, paradoxically promotes mask-wearing, lining up neatly with @WEF's agenda. Intriguingly, she has constantly argued that the future belongs to the next generation, yet she supports a measure that muzzles and mentally affects that very generation. What a COINCIDENCE, isn't it? The hypocrisy is hard to ignore!

    It's painfully obvious that there's some sneaky manipulation going on here. These bigwigs are twisting public opinion for their own political advantage. COINCIDENTALLY, it all seems to align with their plans for the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

    Instead of promoting Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution under the premise of climate change, @GretaThunberg should simply go back to school. Also, she should reconsider encouraging children to skip classes for climate protests. After all, if they miss their physics and maths classes, how can they fully understand the issues they're demonstrating against? But who knows, maybe that's exactly her objective.

  3. Quando Gretas, Anitas e meninos fica viram referência de virtude e discurso…é sinal de que a humanidade falhou miseravelmente, se deixou dominar pelos perversos donos do poder, a ponto de perder completamente o senso crítico.

  4. O Canadá está em chamas prejudicando os EUA com a fumaça até agora nem Greta nem Leonardo Di Caprio nenhum desses atores e ativistas hipócritas estão falando algo.😅😅

  5. É tudo uma piada mesmo aqui no nosso Brasil. Onde estão Dicaprio, Macron, a Gretinha, U2 e essa caralhada de artristes que "defendem" a Amazônia? Pq no governe Lule o desmatamento da Amazônia mais que triplicou somente no 1 trimestre e todes eles calades.

  6. Informação é TUDO!
    Precisamos muito de opiniões divergentes para podermos, por nós mesmos, opinar independentemente.
    Isso sim é democracia!
    Direito de dar opinião!
    Só teme o livre arbítrio, aqueles que odeiam a democracia.


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