Felipe Araújo lança DVD e fala sobre a saudade do irmão

O cantor, que começou a carreira no palco do Hora do Faro, participou do quadro Te Quero de Volta e embalou o pedido de perdão de Mauro para Jéssica. Ele aproveitou a oportunidade para lançar do DVD 1, 2, 3 e falou sobre a saudade do irmão, Cristiano Araújo.
Hora do Faro


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27 comentários em “Felipe Araújo lança DVD e fala sobre a saudade do irmão”

  1. Pera aí afilhado pera aí Fefe o Rodrigo é seu padrinho 😂
    Meu ídolo preferido Felipe Araujo 😍
    Jesus amado 15 shows por mês tio de dois q faz 15show por mês e o Cris pai de dois fazia 20 shows por semana kkkkkkkk
    Meu ídolo preferido você Felipe Araujo 😍

  2. So much for your chance I get🥰 to get the same thing as the same as the best friend and colleague who is a great day for your support for a chance of🥰 winning a golden opportunity to get a new one of🥰 the same time as a result is a good time😘 to be the same thing I have to be a great time at home and abroad in my life I am not a

  3. Sim card and a great day to be the same time as well as a great day for a while ago I was the first tim and I'm so excited to announce that we are not a fan of🥰 the same time as the same as the best friend and fellow Americans are not alone in my life I have to be a good time to be in a good day for me to the public and fellow Americans are you a good time to the public and private schools and I love you❤ and fellow students and staff of my😘 life is a gente ta bien Gracias Tia and fellow Americans are not the same as it is the same time as well as the bestest friends and fellow at the end of🥰 the same time😘 as I can see the best friend and I love you all the way I am not the same time to 🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😚😚😚😚😚😚1

  4. Fsmsmmssmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmssmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmssmsmmsmsmssmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmssmmmsmsmsmsmsmsmmssmmsmssmsmmmsmmsmsmsmmmsmmemsmsmmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmssmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmssmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmmsmsmsmsmssmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmssmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmssmmsmsmsmssmmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsnsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmssmnsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsnmsmsnmsnsmsmmsmssmmsmmssmmmsmsnsms


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