O que são os algoritmos e como eles aprendem com você

Algoritmo é o nome que damos a uma sequência de ações que um computador ou programa deve seguir para resolver um problema.

Mas como eles fazem com que uma máquina aprenda e tome decisões cada vez mais precisas?

Neste vídeo, Camilla Costa explica o que está por trás da tecnologia. Confira.


Fontes do vídeo:

“The Art of Writing Software”, Computer History Museum – https://youtu.be/QdVFvsCWXrA

“How do computers read code?”, Frame of Essence – https://youtu.be/QXjU9qTsYCc

“How machines learn”, CGP Grey – https://youtu.be/R9OHn5ZF4Uo

“Intro to Algorithms: Crash Course Computer Science #13” – https://youtu.be/rL8X2mlNHPM

“Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Crash Course Computer Science #34” – https://youtu.be/z-EtmaFJieY

“What exactly is an algorithm?”, BBC Ideas – https://youtu.be/ZnBF2GeAKbo

“Why algorithms are called algorithms”, BBC Ideas – https://youtu.be/oRkNaF0QvnI

CHOHLAS-WOOD, Alex. Understanding risk assessment instruments in criminal justice, The Brookings Institute. – https://brook.gs/3xulzOl

DASTIN, Jeffrey. “Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women”, Reuters – https://reut.rs/2Qz7Wgc

JOHN, Chand. “Qual a forma mais rápida de colocar em ordem alfabética sua estante de livros?”, TED-Ed – https://youtu.be/WaNLJf8xzC4

JOHNSON, Melvin. A scalable approach to reducing gender bias in Google Translate. Google AI Blog. –

KNIGHT, Will. “Million-Dollar Prize Hints at How Machine Learning May Someday Spot Cancer”, MIT Technology Review –

RAE, Ali. “All Hail the Algorithm”, Al-Jazeera –

ROVATSOS, Michael. “Algorithms: The good, the bad, and the biased”, Open Innovation Team Blog. –

SADAGOPAN, Swathi Meenakshi. “Feedback loops and echo chambers: How algorithms amplify viewpoints”, The Conversation. –

SEROKELL, “Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning: What’s the Difference” –

SHETTY, Savita. “Deep Learning Algorithms and Applications in Computer Vision”. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 7(7):195-201. –

SLAVIN, Kevin. “How algorithms shape our world”, Ted-ED – https://youtu.be/ENWVRcMGDoU

WAKEFIELD, Jane. “Como a inteligência artificial faz você comprar coisas, mesmo sem precisar”, BBC News Brasil – https://bbc.in/3t7EYRA

Agradecimentos: Chand John, Ph.D, Universidade de Texas em Austin; Dr. Allison Gardner, Universidade de Keele; Marcos Gurgel.

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